Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

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List of approved scientific papers to be published in conference proceedings.

ISSN 2311-147X Contemporary Innovation Technique of the Engineering Personnel Training for the Mining and Transport Industry 2015 (CITEPTMTI’2015). Conference Proceedings.

Conference dates:
21-22 Maу 2015.

State higher education institution
"National Mining University"




The analysis of mechanical stress in radioelements’ output units subject to vibration effect

K.V. Roschin1

1Ph.D., assistant of professor Kuban state university, Krasnodar, Russia, e-mail: kostik777@mail.ru

Abstract. Requirements to a method of a time estimation before the fatigue failure of radioelements (RE) outputs are formulated at vibration effects. The hierarchical approach is put in a basis of a method of time estimation before fatigue failure of RE outputs. A construction of the block is subdivided on the structural levels of breaking up into smaller units. Designed calculated models are put in foundation of the automized subsystem for the analysis and security of time before fatigue failure in constructions of onboard radio-electronic equipment at vibrational actions and are used for an time estimation before fatigue failure of RE outputs.

Keywords: Radioelements outputs, fatigue failure, harmonious, casual vibration, fluctuations, pressure, dynamic influences.

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